hapa girl goes to japan. craziness ensues.

July 06, 2004

damp, pessimistic, and mosquito-bitten

took the language placement test today, surely failed it. five or six or maybe even seven years of cramming kanji really paid off, no?

venturing out to conbinis and suupas sapped my energy, but bargains scored at 100 yen shops never cease to amaze. of course, i'm also in the land of $2 cokes the size of salt shakers.

it's strange to have started my study abroad while everyone else is smack dab in the middle of their summers. i didn't bring my computer so that i might have a chance at freeing myself from the interweb jungle, but i find myself huddled away at this study lounge, praying for email or at least an LJ update at 5 in the morning. contact, please.

p.s. my journal's title is in reference to a song by Brand New. I don't even like Jude Law


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Lori. A few random tidbits:

Did tell you yet that Chandler's dad is dating Atsuko? At least, things seemed to have been progressing nicely last time Chandler was home.

Also, yesterday when I was running (I do that a lot) I saw this guy riding a bike down the street and using both hands to light a cigarette. Ok...so I don't exactly know why, but I found that to be very notable for a number of reasons.

Take lots of pictures or something...hai chiizu!

10:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, I forgot you're not on livejournal anymore. Here, let's try that signing my comment thing again.


10:11 PM


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