hapa girl goes to japan. craziness ensues.

August 13, 2004

Disappearing like a blip does

Originally uploaded by sillyhapa.
After tomorrow's final exam, I'm outa here. Off to Hokkaido, where it will be cool (again, if only I understood the fine mechanics of Celsius...) and English-less, I do believe. Which will be a wonderful (read: totally impossible) undertaking for me and my six-weeks-worth of learned Japanese.

I'm doing that thing again where I make friends with people right before I have to say goodbye to them. Congratulations, me. Way to (not) improve your quality of life here. Oh well. When I return to Tokyo in 3 weeks or so, all of the regular Japanese students will have returned as well, and school will start in earnest. Classes in things like literature and international relations and philosophy. Hip hip!

Anyhow, today I am only packing, so if you were hoping to find the interior of my brain splattered across the page (oh interweb, how you do coax brain dripples and spurts), I'm sorry to disappoint. I had to return all of my library books, and now my brain has ceased to function properly. Sad. I was enjoying the literary works of expatriates in Japan, as well as a Susan Sontag reader. Much inspiration to be found there. And now all I can think of is how to properly conjugate causative-passives and the correct stroke order for 6 weeks of crammed kanji.

Alright, time to study. Jaa ne.


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