hapa girl goes to japan. craziness ensues.

August 25, 2004

Photo op! Photo op!

Originally uploaded by sillyhapa.
While the purpose of this Hokkaido program was described to us in the brochure as "WORLD PEACE" (a commendable goal, no?), I have long since decided that it is instead to have a giant week-long photo op to publicize the wonders of Nanaecho.

Everywhere we go, newspaper reporters, television cameras, and photographers follow us. Majorly obnoxious. I rebel by refusing to smile in any of the photographs. This process is made ten times worse by the fact that all 20 members of our tour group add their own cameras to the pile when we start to take a group picture. Even the most serene moments here are always punctuated by the snap, whir, and flash of countless cameras.

We have also perfected the fine art of the self introduction and the gracious thank you, as we must perform them together at least half a dozen times a day at each various site. After all, we are FOREVER INDEBTED to the people of Hokkaido for GRACIOUSLY sharing their PRECIOUS time to guide our HUMBLE minds with their BOUNTIFUL knowledge.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things are funnier when they're written by someone who's really bitter. Speaking of bitterness, Captain Let's-Pretend-to-Post-a-Comment-and-then-Not-Really-Do-It (i.e. Blogger) apparently decided that my last extremely interesting and well-written comment wasn't worth it's time of day. I hate when the internet eats text.
—Chris P.

12:25 AM


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